How To Ride The Bus

Questions about getting rides in Burtchville Township, Ft. Gratiot Township, Port Huron Township or the City of Marysville (Dial-a-Ride), call our friendly Dispatchers at 810-987-7373, Option 2.   Blue Water Area Transit can send a bus to your home usually within an hour, depending on when you call for service.  Reservations made a day or more in advance can usually guarantee a trip to conform to your schedule.

For Fixed Routes and times, check out “Routes and Times” here on our website.

Blue Water Area Transportation Commission

It is the policy and practice of Blue Water Area Transportation Commission (BWATC) to provide open-door, curb-to-curb and reasonable modification of service (ADA Modification of Service – Blue Water Area Transit ( to all passengers in the service area, so long as the passenger is able to reasonably adhere to BWATC standards that will ensure safe, peaceful and comfortable transportation for everyone.

The following are the necessary responsibilities of the rider:

1. The passenger is able and available to board or exit the BWATC vehicle per their request for service.

a.  It is not the responsibility of a BWATC driver to push or pull an inoperable mobility device. Mobility devices must be in working order.

b.  Mobility devices must fit onto a BWATC vehicle’s existing ramp without modification of the ramp. A mobility device, passenger and aide (if applicable) must not exceed the maximum safety limit of the vehicle’s ramp (usually 600lbs).

2. The passenger pays their fare upon boarding. Drivers do not carry change.

3. The passenger remains seated or stands quietly whenever the vehicle is in motion. All passengers on non-fixed routes must wear seatbelts.

4. The passenger’s language, presence and demeanor does not disrupt the safety, peace and comfort of other passengers or of BWATC employees.

5. To protect the health and well-being of BWATC personnel and our passengers. BWATC requires all passengers maintain an acceptable standard of personal hygiene.

a. All passengers and equipment shall be reasonably clean and free of extreme or unpleasant odors. This includes all packages and carry on items.

6. Smoking or vaping within 15 feet of the buses and the use of tobacco and/or drugs on the buses is prohibited.

7. Personal audio equipment is permitted with headset only at a volume that does not disturb other passengers or BWATC employees.

8. Passengers are responsible for taking their packages on and off the bus. Most packages, baggage, parcels or grocery sacks carried by paying passenger are allowed.

9. Firearms or weapons of any kind cannot be brought onto any BWATC vehicle.

10. Service animals may accompany their owner on all BWATC vehicles. No other animals are allowed.

11. Non-fixed route drivers will wait three (3) minutes from the time of arrival. If no passenger materializes, and with communicated release by BWATC’s dispatch center, the vehicle will leave. Passenger will have to reschedule their ride with BWATC’s dispatch.

12. Passengers who intentionally damage BWATC vehicles or property will be subject to prosecution.

13. Passengers need to follow posted notifications and/or mandates.

    Passengers who cannot conduct themselves according to the above standards are subject to removal, suspension or termination of services.
    It is the policy and practice of BWATC and its Management and Employees tomake every reasonable attempt to provide and maintain service.
    For any passenger who creates disturbances, confronts other passengers or BWATC. personnel, or constitutes and affront to public dignity, safety, peace, or comfort, BWATC Management reserves the right to refuse future transportation service.

Passengers with questions about this policy should contact the Road Supervisor at 987-7373 ext. 156